Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Burn More Calories on the Daily!

Here's a few things to work into your daily routine to help you burn calories and get some subtle exercise.

1. Take the Stairs: No Elevators. Take the stairs, no matter how many flights you go. In a few weeks you'll notice your upper legs and ass are getting tighter. I'm so used to taking the stairs now that I don't even realize it until I'm on the 5th floor and I'm telling myself "F* that!"... It's a good thing tough.

2. Bike/Walk/Run Where You Need to Go: Do it. It's gonna suck at first, but if you gradually integrate it into your routine (even just 2 days a week) not only will you notice it in your waistline, but how you perceive yourself. Not to mention the money you will save from not using your car is astounding. It's sets a good example to others, especially kids, and you're shrinking your carbon footprint all at the same time. Hell Yeah!

3. Weights: Wear them around the house. Believe it or not there are weights you can attach to your body. They come in weights that are attachable to your ankles, wrists, and even full vests. I personally recommend the ankle ones. They don't have to be heavy (I wear 5lb ones, but they come at weights lower than 1lb). You will be amazed at the difference wearing them will make. You can wear them just while you're at home. While you're out at work, running errands, etc you will feel an amazing difference in how much more energy you have.

4. Suck It In: Seriously. Sucking your navel and especially your lower abdominals in gives your abs a great work out. Some people say to suck in and release repeatedly, but I prefer to hold it in as long as possible. Shoot for 24/7. The reason being, after making a conscious effort to do this all day, every day, your abs will stay in and tense without you thinking about it. Imagine that. By sheer will power you have just lost an inch or so around your waist. In addition to that, this is also a great exercise in will power to prepare you for even bigger steps.

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