Friday, August 14, 2009

All work and too much play

Thursday August 13

Sorry for the gap in post. I worked a double and was watching my nephew while my brother was in Chicago. Luckily I managed to get off early so I could take my nephew to the pool. He's great, loves the water, but even after teaching him how to swim he has a tendency if you don't get on him, to swallow a little water. Needless to say he puked everywhere. Then proceeded to thank the life guard for cleaning it up. Poor guy.

Wednesday I didn't make it to the gym, but running around non-stop with the energy of a 3 year old counts right? Either way it's gonna count as my off day.

Can't think of much else to leave you with for now. When I go to the gym tomorrow I'll bring something to jot down all the technicalities of my workouts. I don't tend to think much about that stuff since I've been going to this gym since I can remember. But that's another story for another day.

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